Local DAF dealer, Ford & Slater, is to host a series of HGV Technician apprenticeship open evenings this month aimed at encouraging young people to consider a career in the transport sector.
For the first time this year Ford & Slater is opening the doors to its Norwich, Peterborough and Leicester sites and offering students and school leavers the chance to find out more about the award-winning HGV Technician apprenticeship scheme.
The three-day event will begin in Norwich on February 12 and include an introductory talk and tour of the site, an opportunity to speak with both current and past apprentices and give visitors a try at various technical tasks, including electrics, welding, inspections and diagnostics.
Apprenticeship Coordinator, Lee Sursham, said, “Recruiting the next generation of transport industry professionals is of vital importance to the Ford & Slater group. This is the third year of hosting apprenticeship open evenings at our dealership sites, and the first in Norwich. Our 2018 events had over 100 prospective students and family members attend, finding out first-hand what our apprenticeships programmes are about.
“But we want this year to be even bigger and encourage all students and school leavers who are interested in mechanics, transport and engineering to come along and see what we’re about.”
All three events are free to attend and will begin promptly at 6pm. All locations will be hosting the same event so attendees only need to visit one of the three sites. Parents and guardians are welcome but young children will not be allowed into the workshops.
Representatives from Ford & Slater’s Parts Sales, Vehicle Body Repair and Vehicle Painting apprenticeships will also be present.
More information on the event is available by contacting Lee Sursham at lsursham@fordandslater.co.uk, or via Ford & Slater’s dedicated apprenticeship Instagram account, @Fordslaterapprentice.