The ADR Tool 2019 app is the third edition of the appreciated and respected worldwide ADR dangerous goods mobile apps, available on Google Play (Android platform). Improved, with new features, exceeding the previous app version (ADR Tool 2017 free), which, as a reminder, has been downloaded over 50.000 times in almost 170 countries around the world, with very positive ratings and recommendations from the users including professional drivers, freight forwarders or DGSA consultants.
Navigating on the field of dangerous goods ADR is not an easy task. The requirements of the legislator, changing and extensive regulations and the difficulty in interpreting them make that knowledge is not widely spread and available at hand. The application ADR Tool 2019 Dangerous Goods with English interface, English Proper Shipping Names and descriptions and English database successfully supports the user in every day duties.
For whom?
Application users are mainly transport-forwarding-logistics industry specialists (professional drivers, national and international freight forwarders, transport planners, dispatchers, customer service specialists and sales representatives, warehouse workers) but also ADR advisor and DGSA consultants, customs officers, road control officers, rescue and emergency services, quality auditors, lecturers and students.
The app in a simple and quick way gives the possibility to identify dangerous goods by UN No., Proper Shipping Name (PSN) and Hazard Identification No. (HIN No.), provides basic information about the dangerous good (from the Table A of ADR Agreement), as well as in the interpreted form, by presenting results on four friendly dedicated screens of information depending on the user’s needs (types of screens: Table A, Simplified, Driver’s and Incident).
The user is able in a very easy way to check whether a vehicle, ex. loaded with ten dangerous goods in defined amounts, must display orange plates or dangerous good is at high risk, what is required general and individual equipment, including fire extinguishers and what are hazardous properties or physical state of dangerous good and even refer to the source special provisions, CV, S, V for selected dangerous good (in 16 European languages).
The app presents in an convenient way tunnels interpretation (also restrictions via the Channel Tunnel), or information required for the exemption according to ADR (quantities carried per transport unit), indicates the limits for high-risk goods, the obligation to supplement Proper Shipping Name with the technical name, necessity of separation from food, mixed loading restrictions and many more.
Everyday work
The app can be helpful when issuing the transport document (ex. CMR), because it presents Proper Shipping Names and the names of packagings in 26 European languages, or when verifying the basic data on the transport document. It also allows downloading and storing on the user’s device, written instructions for the driver in the selected language (25 European languages) and exporting the loading list to a csv or an excel file (for an easy collection of dangerous goods data required for the annual ADR report).
Thanks to the app, the user has immediate access to a Table A of ADR 2019 on his device, offline, without leafing through extensive regulations, in every place, at any time, always at hand (ex. during the sales meeting, operational analysis of customer inquiries or transport order, transport arrangement, at the time and place of loading, at the warehouse, on the spot of road inspection check or incident, on trainings, at home or at work).
Presented tools can assist in trainings, courses, lectures (using the online website or offline, ex. by connecting the tablet to a projector), as well as and in preparing for tests or exams.
As the interface (app MENU) has been translated into 26 European languages and contains the Proper Shipping Names and descriptions in 23 European languages and with database in English, the application is a competitive advantage and a great help for European companies with implemented SQAS, global logistics providers with offices in many European countries and also for transport companies providing services all over Europe or employing drivers from many different countries.
The app is in continuous improvement and development, we encourage all users to submit constructive suggestions and share your reviews or opinion.
In a simplified version, free and full access to the database of ADR 2019 is available on the online platform (the website is adapted for viewing on mobile devices and could be the good alternative for iOS users). The website gives the user opportunity to verify the necessity of displaying orange plates for one dangerous good, per amount, together with the resulting information about the high risk. Depending on user’s preference, the data can be displayed on two screens, i.e. Table A of the ADR Agreement or Simplified and be easily printed (print feature added). The content of the database is the same as in the mobile application, while user interface, the Proper Shipping Names and database are presented in English only.
Fanpage on Facebook: ADR Tool & IMDG Tool
In addition to the tools offered, there is also a Facebook fanpage ADR Tool & IMDG Tool (posts also in English language). On this educational platform, you can find many interesting articles on dangerous goods published by leading DGSA advisors or practitioners, news, practical cases, advice or information, including the application itself (updates, quizzes, future plans, etc.). Of course, we invite you to enjoy the fanpage of the app to keep up to date!
ADR Tools (mobile applications, web platform, fanpage) support in daily work, give a quick first look at selected dangerous good. They can assist in everyday decisions in the identification of dangerous goods, transport arrangements, filling in the transport document, document and vehicle equipment checking or general information during the incident with dangerous goods. Tools are helpful and easy to work with for both beginners (with basic knowledge or occasional experience) as well as professionals, and can be a solid alternative to bulky paper version of the legislations or their electronic equivalents (pdf format).
The tools can be found and downloaded at below links:
- ADR Tool 2017 free (free app):
- ADR Tool 2019 Dangerous Goods (premium app):
- webservice:
- Facebook fanpage ADR Tool & IMDG Tool: