All the new DAFs are clad in the company’s new livery – the first time the Southampton-based operator has unveiled its new look on the road. Trucks entered service on March 1st and run throughout the UK and the northern European mainland.
Now a 100% DAF operation, Williams Transport Services sites its ‘quite exemplary’ relationship with local DAF Dealer, Adams Morey, as fundamental to its reliance on the marque. The current Euro-6 models replace existing Euro-5s, having themselves provided ultra-reliable service.
With its shipping roots extending back to 1894, Williams Shipping is today a multi-disciplined operation, including towage & marine services, container hire & sales, warehousing, marine lubricant supply and an extensive specialist trailer hire fleet. At the heart of Williams Transport Services is the truck fleet – all DAF for over 30 years – although the company’s relationship with the DAF started in 1973 and, today, its partnership with Adams Morey goes from strength-to-strength.
“The service we receive from Adams Morey,” said Director Jonathan Williams, “is quite exemplary. They are the reason we’re 100% DAF. We have a number of heavy-haulage trucks performing some specialist tasks which demand some unusual chassis specifications. Adams Morey bends over backwards to ensure we get the precise equipment for our needs.
“Their commitment to us doesn’t stop there,” he said, “service support is extremely high, and we’ve come to expect top-notch repair and maintenance support 24/7. Furthermore, if an issue should arise, and occasionally it does, Adams Morey puts it right immediately, with no drama and no quibbling.”
He added, “DAFaid is just so quick off the mark. Having a well-drilled, highly-motivated roadside assistance service behind you is worth its weight in gold. Peace-of-mind counts for a lot in that respect.” Williams Shipping operates a range of specialist trailer equipment, including flat-beds and low loaders, to accommodate a hugely diverse array of loads.
“Our drivers have to be multi-skilled,” added Williams, “quay-side manoeuvres are hazardous enough, but our guys show enormous expertise outside the cab, too. Williams drivers have to be expert in securing awkward loads. Load restraint is a science in itself and, for obvious reasons, it’s crucial to our reputation.”
As Directors, brothers Jonathan and Philip are 5thgeneration members of the company. They work alongside their cousin Christopher, who helps manage their container hire and sales division, ‘Willbox’, and 4th generation, Eric and Colin, the Joint Managing Directors.