Road Transport Driver Law
Choose from the various driver law advice sections and gain knowledge on the legal services your transport business may require below. Our company law information is supplied by Dyne Solicitors Limited and is kept as up to date as possible to keep you informed of the latest legislation and case law in the UK and Ireland.

ADR & Dangerous Goods
Dangerous goods are liquid or solid substances and articles containing them...

Driver Daily Vehicle Checks
All drivers must carry out a daily vehicle inspection and complete a driver's defect report...

Driver's Medical Requirements
Applicants for an HGV driving entitlement must satisfy certain medical standards...

Health & Safety
There are serious consequences (i.e. death or serious injury to drivers, co-workers...
The content displayed on this page is supplied by Dyne Solicitors Limited and every effort has been made to keep this information as current and up to date as possible. However this road transport law information should be initially used solely as general guidance only and should not be regarded as a complete or authoritative statement of the law at any given time. The guidance and information shown will be updated to reflect any developments in new legislation or case law as soon as is feasibly possible. To ensure you are receiving the most up to date information in road transport law, contact Dyne Solicitors Limited on 0844 324 5307 and speak to them direct.